"The devil's agent may be of flesh & blood, may they not?" A child's is a pure heart , so blissfully innocent, it can bring the seven gods to their knees. But what we are witnessing in these wretched times is a merely a tranquil facade under which some of these sterling souls are harboring malicious schemes. The rate of juvenile crimes has sky rocketed from around the time when we began to put the glorious baby boomers in assisted livings. Why with every new generation that takes on our relay torch, the statistics of the young criminal offenders soars the sky. this has led the best of our liberal pundits scratching their heads trying their best to come up with a rational vindication to absolve these cherubic delinquents. I am no expert either. But what could be the motivation, that stark impetus which drives them to disobedience at such a tender age. Could it be the cinema, the glorification of malevolence in these so labelled coming of age bohemian movi...