Dear Ananya, How are you ? See i am here again to share with you some more things. Some things that touch me deep inside, something which scratches my heart deep. Ok let me first ask you a Question, shall I ? Ok, have you ever thought what would happen after your sole existence from the world vanishes ? Well its a very interesting topic that i want we to discuss today. Well death is very interesting subject of my concern, because i really don't understand what it actually is. I mean to say..., (Ananya don't stop smiling this is just a glimpse to nothing serious) OK lets examine a scenario, a group of humans going in a bus singing dancing and suddenly bus fell into a deep 200 ft ridge or something like that and suddenly they all die. Just a matter of second and the ever cheerful human body is left but with no soul, no movement no sound nothing just lying peacefully. What worst is that their families crying. If we are certain that someone will die then whats the point i...