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Showing posts from October, 2019

The Idea Of Love

Sometimes I don’t know what love is. Surely, I’ve been in love before, not just once but twice. I understand the way it changes a person, how it makes someone feel, how two people become intertwined and grow together, how powerful and messy and beautiful it is. I’m constantly trying to define love, even though I know it’s something I can’t really define. But do I really know what it is? Is there a concrete, same-every-time-you-ask answer to the question ‘What is love?’ Honestly, I don’t know. A human without love is not a human being. To live without loving is merely existing, it is a robot's life. To be truly alive, to live, to feel, one must have someone to love. If love is given to one who cannot accept it, then it burns even more painfully. Maybe its all because of a little word called expectations. Expectations are projections into the future. They are created because we can’t accept the present moment. So we rather hide in an ideal, future moment that is not real...