In life nothing is permanent, everything is temporary that means your sorrows and pain too have an end. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. People take everything in life to be permanent love, hate, sorrow, friends, family and that is when they grow a tree of expectedness from others, and that is when they get hurt when the same tree mould with one's belief and trust fall without any warning unexpectedly and people get depressed isolated and hide their true identity behind a fake smile keeping every memories safe in a corner of their heart. Well its so common in us, its so natural in human. The only medicine or cure to this problem is that we start to believe that everything is temporary and happens for a reason and rather finding out the reason for what happened (fall of tree of expectedness) we should focus on the good things it happened for and what lies ahead. No this doesn't advocate to move on. Moving on is not the solution. It is like moving on from...